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py-qmath (V) Provides a class for deal with quaternion algebra and 3D rotation
py-qrng (V) Quantum Random Number Generator using IBM's Qiskit
py-qtt (V) Python-based framework for analysis and tuning of quantum dots
py-quadprog Solver for a strictly convex quadratic program
py-quantities (V) Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy
py-quantum-simba (V) Systematic Inference of Bosonic quAntum systems
py-quantuminspire (V) SDK for the Quantum Inspire platform
py-quaternionarray (V) Python package for fast quaternion arrays math
py-quaternionic (V) Interpret numpy arrays as quaternionic arrays with numba acceleration
py-qubovert (V) Formulating, simulating,and solving problems in boolean and spin
py-quhep (V) Quantum Machine Learning Framework for High Energy Physics
py-qupulse (V) Quantum compUting PULse parametrization and SEquencing framework
py-qutip (V) Quantum Toolbox in Python
py-rasterio (V) Fast and direct raster I/O for Python programmers who use Numpy
py-realalg (V) For manipulating real algebraic numbers
py-rebound3 (V) Open-source multi-purpose N-body code
py-reproject (V) Astropy affiliated package for reprojection of astronomical images
py-resonance (V) Learning mechanical vibrations through computation
py-riccipy (V) Tensor algebra calculator for General Relativity
py-rigidbodysimulator (V) Rigidbodysimulator simulator
py-rogues (V) Python and numpy port of Nicholas Higham's m*lab test matrices
py-roman Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
py-rpy R interface for Python
py-ruffus (V) Lightweight python module to run computational pipelines
py-scikit-glpk (V) Python linprog interface for GLPK
py-scikit-image Image processing routines for SciPy
py-scikit-learn Machine learning algorithms for Python
py-scikits_optimization (V) Python module for numerical optimization
py-scikits_talkbox (V) Talkbox, a set of python modules for speech/signal processing
py-scikits_timeseries (V) Time series manipulation
py-scikits_vectorplot (V) Vector fields plotting algorithms
py-scikits-bvp_solver (V) Python package for solving two-point boundary value problems
py-scimath (V) Scientific and Mathematical calculations
py-scipy Scientific Algorithms Library for Python
py-scs (V) Scs: splittling cone solver
py-sdt_metrics (V) Signal Detection Theory (SDT) metrics for Python
py-seeds (V) Stochastic Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics System
py-semopy (V) Structural Equation Modeling Optimization in Python
py-sempy (V) Python implementation of the spectral element method
py-sfepy (V) Simple finite elements in Python
py-sfg (V) Python package for symbolic signal flow graph analysis
py-shapely (V) Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
py-simpleeval Simple, safe single expression evaluator library
py-simpy (V) Discrete event simulation framework
py-simulators (V) Tools to build an instrument model
py-sklearn-pandas Pandas integration with sklearn
py-smt Library for SMT formula manipulation and solving
py-solpy (V) Solar Performance and Design library
py-speview (V) Program to display binary SPE files containing Raman spectra
py-spfpm (V) Tools for arithmetic on fixed-point (binary) numbers
py-spherical (V) Evaluate and transform D matrices 3-j symbols, and spherical harmonics
py-sphviewer (V) Framework for rendering particle simulations
py-squarify (V) Pure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm
py-stats-arrays (V) Standard NumPy array interface for defining uncertain parameters
py-statsmodels Statistical computations and models for Python
py-sunpy (V) Python for Solar Physicists
py-sv-geometry (V) Functions for bidimensional and tridimensional arithmetic geometry
py-sym2num (V) Sympy to numpy code generator
py-symbolic-equation (V) Class for multiline symbolic equations in the Jupyter Notebook
py-symEnergy (V) Lagrange multiplier based energy market toy modeling framework
py-symlens (V) Symbolic Mode Coupling
py-sympad (V) Graphical symbolic math calculator / scratchpad using SymPy
py-symphysics (V) The symphysics library for creating physics simulations using python and sympy
py-sympy Python library for symbolic mathematics
py-sympy2c (V) Sympy to c compiler including solving odes at c level
py-sympycore (V) SympyCore an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System
py-t3m (V) Tinker toys for topologists
py-tables Database package for large amounts of data
py-talk2stat (V) Python package to communicate with statistical software
py-teafiles (V) Time Series storage in flat files
py-tensorboard Web applications for inspecting TensorFlow runs and graphs
py-Theano Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions
py-tinyarray (V) Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes
py-tinygrad (V) Something between PyTorch and karpathy/micrograd
py-toleranceinterval (V) Library for one-sided bounds and two-sided tolerance intervals
py-traces (V) Library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis
py-uncertainties Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved
py-utilib_common (V) Commonly used PyUtilib data and methods
py-utilib_component_app (V) Application interface for the PyUtilib Component Architecture
py-utilib_component_config (V) Extensions for configuring components in PyUtilib
py-utilib_component_loader (V) PyUtilib plugins for loading external packages
py-utilib_enum (V) Variant of the 'enum' package that supports pickling
py-utilib_math (V) PyUtilib math utilities
py-vespa (V) Calculate astrophysical false positive probabilities
py-wafo (V) Statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads
py-wasserplan (V) 1-Wasserstein distances between districting plans
py-xarray N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
py-xcal-raman (V) Module for x-axis calibration of Raman spectrometers
py-xgboost XGBoost Python Package
py-z3 Efficient SMT solver library
qalculate Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (console version)
qalculate-gtk Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (GTK version)
qcalc Terminal GUI calculator
qhull Computing the convex hull
qrupdate Library for fast updating of QR and Cholesky decompositions
quadpack Fortran subroutines for the solution of definite univariate integrals
QXlsx Excel file reader/writer library using Qt
R Statistical language for data analysis and graphics
R-abind Combine multi-dimensional arrays
R-acepack ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations