py-qcodes (V) | | Python-based data acquisition framework |
py-qiskit (V) | | Software for developing quantum computing programs |
py-qiskit-aqua (V) | | Qiskit Aqua: An extensible library of quantum computing algorithms |
py-qiskit-ignis (V) | | Qiskit tools for quantum information science |
py-qiskit-terra (V) | | Software for developing quantum computing programs |
py-qmath (V) | | Provides a class for deal with quaternion algebra and 3D rotation |
py-qrng (V) | | Quantum Random Number Generator using IBM's Qiskit |
py-qtt (V) | | Python-based framework for analysis and tuning of quantum dots |
py-quadprog | | Solver for a strictly convex quadratic program |
py-quantities (V) | | Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy |
py-quantum-simba (V) | | Systematic Inference of Bosonic quAntum systems |
py-quantuminspire (V) | | SDK for the Quantum Inspire platform |
py-quaternionarray (V) | | Python package for fast quaternion arrays math |
py-quaternionic (V) | | Interpret numpy arrays as quaternionic arrays with numba acceleration |
py-qubovert (V) | | Formulating, simulating,and solving problems in boolean and spin |
py-quhep (V) | | Quantum Machine Learning Framework for High Energy Physics |
py-qupulse (V) | | Quantum compUting PULse parametrization and SEquencing framework |
py-qutip (V) | | Quantum Toolbox in Python |
py-rasterio (V) | | Fast and direct raster I/O for Python programmers who use Numpy |
py-realalg (V) | | For manipulating real algebraic numbers |
py-rebound3 (V) | | Open-source multi-purpose N-body code |
py-reproject (V) | | Astropy affiliated package for reprojection of astronomical images |
py-resonance (V) | | Learning mechanical vibrations through computation |
py-riccipy (V) | | Tensor algebra calculator for General Relativity |
py-rigidbodysimulator (V) | | Rigidbodysimulator simulator |
py-rogues (V) | | Python and numpy port of Nicholas Higham's m*lab test matrices |
py-roman | | Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python |
py-rpy | | R interface for Python |
py-ruffus (V) | | Lightweight python module to run computational pipelines |
py-scikit-glpk (V) | | Python linprog interface for GLPK |
py-scikit-image | | Image processing routines for SciPy |
py-scikit-learn | | Machine learning algorithms for Python |
py-scikits_optimization (V) | | Python module for numerical optimization |
py-scikits_talkbox (V) | | Talkbox, a set of python modules for speech/signal processing |
py-scikits_timeseries (V) | | Time series manipulation |
py-scikits_vectorplot (V) | | Vector fields plotting algorithms |
py-scikits-bvp_solver (V) | | Python package for solving two-point boundary value problems |
py-scimath (V) | | Scientific and Mathematical calculations |
py-scipy | | Scientific Algorithms Library for Python |
py-scs (V) | | Scs: splittling cone solver |
py-sdt_metrics (V) | | Signal Detection Theory (SDT) metrics for Python |
py-seeds (V) | | Stochastic Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics System |
py-semopy (V) | | Structural Equation Modeling Optimization in Python |
py-sempy (V) | | Python implementation of the spectral element method |
py-sfepy (V) | | Simple finite elements in Python |
py-sfg (V) | | Python package for symbolic signal flow graph analysis |
py-shapely (V) | | Geometric objects, predicates, and operations |
py-simpleeval | | Simple, safe single expression evaluator library |
py-simpy (V) | | Discrete event simulation framework |
py-simulators (V) | | Tools to build an instrument model |
py-sklearn-pandas | | Pandas integration with sklearn |
py-smt | | Library for SMT formula manipulation and solving |
py-solpy (V) | | Solar Performance and Design library |
py-speview (V) | | Program to display binary SPE files containing Raman spectra |
py-spfpm (V) | | Tools for arithmetic on fixed-point (binary) numbers |
py-spherical (V) | | Evaluate and transform D matrices 3-j symbols, and spherical harmonics |
py-sphviewer (V) | | Framework for rendering particle simulations |
py-squarify (V) | | Pure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm |
py-stats-arrays (V) | | Standard NumPy array interface for defining uncertain parameters |
py-statsmodels | | Statistical computations and models for Python |
py-sunpy (V) | | Python for Solar Physicists |
py-sv-geometry (V) | | Functions for bidimensional and tridimensional arithmetic geometry |
py-sym2num (V) | | Sympy to numpy code generator |
py-symbolic-equation (V) | | Class for multiline symbolic equations in the Jupyter Notebook |
py-symEnergy (V) | | Lagrange multiplier based energy market toy modeling framework |
py-symlens (V) | | Symbolic Mode Coupling |
py-sympad (V) | | Graphical symbolic math calculator / scratchpad using SymPy |
py-symphysics (V) | | The symphysics library for creating physics simulations using python and sympy |
py-sympy | | Python library for symbolic mathematics |
py-sympy2c (V) | | Sympy to c compiler including solving odes at c level |
py-sympycore (V) | | SympyCore an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System |
py-t3m (V) | | Tinker toys for topologists |
py-tables | | Database package for large amounts of data |
py-talk2stat (V) | | Python package to communicate with statistical software |
py-teafiles (V) | | Time Series storage in flat files |
py-tensorboard | | Web applications for inspecting TensorFlow runs and graphs |
py-theano-pymc | | Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions |
py-tinyarray (V) | | Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes |
py-tinygrad (V) | | Something between PyTorch and karpathy/micrograd |
py-toleranceinterval (V) | | Library for one-sided bounds and two-sided tolerance intervals |
py-torch | | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python |
py-traces (V) | | Library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis |
py-uncertainties | | Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved |
py-utilib_common (V) | | Commonly used PyUtilib data and methods |
py-utilib_component_app (V) | | Application interface for the PyUtilib Component Architecture |
py-utilib_component_config (V) | | Extensions for configuring components in PyUtilib |
py-utilib_component_loader (V) | | PyUtilib plugins for loading external packages |
py-utilib_enum (V) | | Variant of the 'enum' package that supports pickling |
py-utilib_math (V) | | PyUtilib math utilities |
py-vespa (V) | | Calculate astrophysical false positive probabilities |
py-wafo (V) | | Statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads |
py-wasserplan (V) | | 1-Wasserstein distances between districting plans |
py-xarray | | N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python |
py-xarray-einstats | | Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray |
py-xcal-raman (V) | | Module for x-axis calibration of Raman spectrometers |
py-xgboost | | XGBoost Python Package |
py-z3 | | Efficient SMT solver library |
qalculate | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (console version) |
qalculate-gtk | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (GTK version) |
qcalc | | Terminal GUI calculator |